As a seasoned artiste, Anita expands her expertise in Bharatanatyam globally through dance workshops, choreography, demonstrations, presentations, discourses, lectures and book publications.

& Dance Workshops


Conducted Lecture-demonstration on Ashta Nayika: Exploring the Female Psyche: Harrisburg Pennsylvania, United States, under the aegis of Shree Academy of Arts MGR Janaki College of Arts and Sciences, Chennai, India


Conducted Online workshop on The Yoga of Natya. An initiative of Aaraadhana, Capetown, South Africa, the Dance Collective and K.Sarveshan


Workshop on An intensive on Love & emotions through the lens of Ashta Nayika in Cape Town, South Africa, Harrisburg, PA and San Jose, CA


Directed and choreographed 'Natya yagna' for Shree Academy of Arts, Harrisburg, PA


'Yoga for Dancers' workshop in San Jose under the aegis of Mudra Dance School


'Shakti Discourses on power: corporeal or spiritual?' At Stanford University, under the aegis of Noopur


Conducted workshops at the Mid-Pac Institute, Hawaii.


Conducted workshops for Shree Academy of Arts (Harrisburg), Jayendra Kala Kendra (San Francisco), and Darshini Natyalaya (Atlanta)


Invited to be an Artist-in-Residence at Shangri La, under the aegis of Doris Duke Foundation of Islamic Arts.


Conducted a workshop titled 'Samayamide: This is the Time', under the aegis of Noopur, Stanford University's Indian Classical dance team.


Performed and conducted workshops on 'Movement and Mimesis' in Geneva, Milan & Venice for the Silk Road Project.


Invited to teach at the Theatre & Dance department of the University of Hawaii for the Fall semester, as the Rama Watumull, distinguished Indian Scholar performed at the Mid-Pac auditorium.


Performed in South Africa and Lesotho under the aegis of ICCR, New Delhi.

To be creative is to live
from the heart.

Anita Vallabh



Presented a lecture demonstration at Stanford for Sangam arts on 'Shakti: Discourses on power, corporeal or spiritual?.'


Presented a paper on 'Padma-aja: The allegory of the lotus and its sensory experience as a cultural expression of Hindu and Buddhist Traditions' for the 30th Annual Symposium hosted by the Centre for South Asian Studies at the University Of Hawaii.


Presented the keynote lecture on 'Historical Narrative of love in the Gita Govinda and its presentation in Bharatanaatyam Dance Tradition', for the 4th Annual colloquium of the Arts at Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz.


Presented a lecture on 'The Intersection of Natya and Yoga' at the department of Theatre & Dance, University of Hawaii.


Presented a lecture demonstration on 'Nayika An experience of love' at the University of Hawaii.


Presented a paper on 'A socio-semiotic perspective on the changes in the performance of Ramayana in Bharatanatyam' at the International Sanskrit conference held in Bangkok.


Presented a paper on 'Dance as a medium of communication' for the Department of Sociology, The University of Madras.


Presented a paper and lecture-demonstration on 'The cultural link between Myanmar and Indian classical dances' at the University of Culture, Myanmar.


Presented a lecture on 'Influence of Ramayana on arts of South-East Asia' at the University of Culture, Myanmar.


Presented a paper and lecture on 'Indian Dance and Culture' for the Department of History and Political science, York College, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.


Presented a paper and lecture for the seminar on 'cross-cultural relations in Arts' held by the Department of Human Studies, Kyoto University Japan.



Joyous Return from Taxila

A symphony of Carnatic music and Bharatanatyam, and, Burmese music and traditional dance was a culmination of an Indo-Myanmar cultural exchange program supported by the Ministry of Culture, Myanmar and Indian Embassy in Yangon.


Movements in Space

One year teaching assignment at THE VILLAGE International School, Bangkok, to facilitate a sustained intervention program for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD).


SUZANI: A Weaving of Traditions

The brightly coloured, intricate needlework of Uzbekistan called Suzani, formed the motif for a cross cultural, artistic conversation with kumu hula Vicky Holt Takamine and Jeff Kanekaiwilani Takamine, leading to a performance at the Shangri-La, Centre for Islamic Arts and Culture, Hawaii.